"There are many extraordinary people that have walked through theses doors, but none are as important as the men and women of the Albert J Breault VFW Post 1523"
The Elected and Appointed Officers of this post are individuals that have decided to stand up, again, and lead the Members of this Post.  The energies they exert will directly be felt by the Post Members.  These few make sure that the rest can simply enjoy their time with their Families and their Communities now that they have separated from the Armed Services and enjoy everything our predecessors have left for us.  Now, go secure your own Blessings of Liberty.  These few have you covered.


Jonathan Drew

Commander - Army - Post 1523

Raymond Beausoliel

Quartermaster - Army - Post 1523

Antonio Rendron

Permitee - Army - Post 1523

David Butler

Senior Vice Commander - Army - Post 1523

Tod Smith

Chaplain / Surgeon - Army - Post 1523

Mark Williams

Junior Vice Commander - Navy - Post 1523